Saturday, January 22, 2011

Soccer Opinions

So I have been coaching boys for about four years now and I do love it. I have coached outdoor soccer and I have to say I love that far more than coaching indoor soccer. This is my second year doing indoor and things are way different. The rules are different, the people and the mindset of the parents and specatators. The noise level is loud because there are two games going on at once and so it is a bit difficult to hear the ref and I am sure for my kids to hear me coach as well. It is interesting to me that some parents veiw your wins as a direct link to the coach as far as ability. I mean my goodness we are volunteers, which means we aren't getting paid. I mean I know for the collegiate and pros level if the team isn't having a great season then the coach gets blamed, ridiculed and fired for the team's losses but obviously when you are a volunteer you can't get fired. So I sometimes rant about certain things because I do my best with the team that I have and you can always tell if a child is into soccer or not and some are just doing it for the fun of being with other boys and the exercise which I think is great. I love winning just as much as the next person but I refrain from being so competitive and save that for the older divisions or collegiate teams. So today was our first indoor game of the season and we lost 4-2. I have a lot of kids who have never played indoor before and so we are all just learning the ropes and the new facility that was built. The boys had fun, they learned and I am proud of them but I wonder in some of the parent's eyes that maybe I didn't do my part coaching. Also we have only had one practice and only five boys showed up so that also throws a wrench in how the season might go or at least get started. I am trying to research different tactical ways that I can teach the boys but in my opinion if ya got it you got it and I will try my best to hone in on it all but apparently I can turn them all into superstars and in my book they are all stars to me just for trying, sweating and continuing to be part of a team without giving up! I will continue to elaborate on this and post on my team's progress.